Town of Wainwright gets new Fire & Rescue Vehicle!

Westvac Industrial and MAXIMETAL Fire Trucks would like to congratulate the Town of Wainwright for their new acquisition. We wish success and much safety to the crew in all their efforts. If you and your team are in the market for a new fire & rescue unit, please call Westvac Industrial for a free demo 866 962 1218.

I would definitely recommend MAXIMETAL fire trucks. We have had ours for over a year and it has worked excellent. Our firefighters liked it when we brought it into the hall and they seem to be more and more impressed with the capabilities of it every time they use it. Some of them whom are mechanics and truck drivers, have commented on the attention to detail and the care that went into building this truck. They have mentioned that from some of the things they’ve seen, behind the compartments and under the hood, it was not just “thrown together”. – Dean Martineau, Deputy Fire Chief, Town of Wainwright